Career tips for up-and-coming leaders

Ed Evarts is the Founder and President at Excellius Leadership Development and comes with more than 12 years of leadership coaching experience. He is also the author of several books, including Drive Your Career, which is what Todd and Ed dive into on this episode! How can you take charge and control your own destiny when you might be working with a boss that’s detached from your success? Ed shares his tips on how you can grow as well as develop your leadership abilities along the way.
Key Takeaways:
[2:05] How did Ed get started in leadership development?
[4:20] The first chapter details how to have a positive relationship with your boss.
[8:00] A large number of Ed’s clients, at least 85%, wished they had a better relationship with their boss.
[11:05] How can you be the most curious person in the room?
[14:15] How can you be curious in a group dynamic and not hog the room with your questions?
[19:05] Play with the hand you’ve been dealt.
[23:45] Communication and delegation is something most people want to improve on.
[27:50] For some leaders, when you leave the building, there’s a sense of relief from your team that you’ve finally left and they can now focus on “real work.”
[29:35] How can a Type A leader learn to slow down?
[33:35] What are some of the common mistakes people make when looking to take charge?
[38:35] What is Ed’s podcast about?
Mentioned in This Episode:
Email Todd: [email protected]
Email Ed: [email protected]