What Are You Known For?

Kathleen Crandall is an expert on personal branding, an engaging keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, a speaker coach and message development expert, and the Founder of Know My Impact. She is known for helping people understand, elevate, and leverage the impact of their image, their words, and the experience of knowing them or working with them. In today’s episode, Todd talks to Kathy about how you can get the right people to find you for the right reasons and the right places.
Key Takeaways:
[2:15] A little bit about Kathy’s business and how she got there.[4:50] Kathy shares how you can talk about yourself without having to say your job title.
[6:55] Todd shares his own experience with Kathy where she was able to help build his personal brand.
[7:15] Talking about LinkedIn, Todd asks Kathy how to build your profile correctly to attract the right audience.
[10:45] Kathy talks about the key pieces in LinkedIn and what they look for in our profiles.
[11:40] Headline is Number One. Kathy shares some tips on how to write a better one.
[13:40] Current and past roles, as well as the services you provide if you are a consultant or business owner, have a great impact on the search results in LinkedIn.
[15:10] Last but not least, Kathy also talks about the “About Me” section of your profile and its importance.
[16:40] Kathy also talks about the top skills you have on your profile and how to view that when it’s converted to PDF.
[18:30] What is an applicant tracking system? Kathy also shares more insights about this.
[22:10] LinkedIn vs Monster vs. other online job search networks. Which tool is mostly used by recruiters?
[23:25] Quality over quantity. Kathy shares how you can best use virtual networks to get the right connections.
[24:45] Kathy also talks about the SEO strategies that are applied in LinkedIn and how you can take advantage of them.
[27:30] What are the common mistakes Kathy has seen executives have made in their personal brands?
[29:40] Kathy also talks about an article she shared about Elon Musk and his philosophy about people and employees that made her look at him differently.
[30:30] Kathy wraps up by sharing key takeaways for the listeners to put them on the right path in their job search.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Email Todd: [email protected]
Kathy on LinkedIn
Email Kathy: [email protected]