What great “secret of success” do both of these showmen know that many failed business owners do not?
To win over a majority of the audience, you will have to get at least a minority of them to hate you. Those who stand for everything, stand for nothing.
Alice Cooper is known as the “Godfather of Shock Rock”. He knew the secret to getting the rebellious teenagers to love him was to get their parents to hate him. So between his manager, Shep Gordon, and himself, they dreamed up all kinds of stunts that resonated with the kids and made their parent furious. He once hired a truck driver to fake a break down at the famed Piccadilly Circus roundabout in London England during rush hour. With traffic at a standstill, they cranked up the band on the back of the truck wearing nothing but clear shower curtains as costumes. Adults fumed over the outlandish behavior and kids flocked to the concert.
Donald Trump, a showman in his own right, knew that he had to strike a chord with some groups that would most certainly alienate others. His “Build a Wall” platform was not popular with Latinos in America. Yet others believe that the influx of immigrants into the U.S. has lead to an increase in drugs, murder and other crimes.
In both cases, they knew that they had to be willing to have some people hate them in order to win the hearts of the audience they were after.
It is the same in business. We need to be very clear on the groups we intend to sell to and be willing to walk away from those that aren’t in that camp.
[bctt tweet=”In both cases, they knew that they had to be willing to have some people hate them in order to win the hearts of the audience they were after.” username=”dynasty_leader”]
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