Whether your company has been purchased or just going through an internal transition, bringing in outside help to provide strategy and execution plans can be very beneficial.
On this episode of the Dynasty Leadership Podcast, Mark Coronna, of Chief Outsiders joins the show to talk about the types of companies that benefit from a temporary CMO, and how a company like his can help businesses working through an acquisition or transition.
Mark and his company Chief Outsiders provide leadership on an interim basis. They join the management team to be strategic and help fill needs. The goal is to implement their best practices and provide an execution plan going forward.
In this podcast, Mark discusses his process and the world of CMO’s which includes:
- How to identify growth challenges
- Finding growth opportunities
- Establishing the value of marketing
- Collaborating and adaptation of current marketing team and strategies
- Common mistakes companies make.
Some use the term fractional Chief Marketing Officer, but mark uses contract executive. The idea is to come in, find the right growth opportunities, profile and score them and put them into a road map that has plans for execution.
Marks process starts by gaining insights on your current state and then develops a plan and strategy for growth. This provides the chance to lay out multi-year, multi-window options for expansion.
Dynasty Leadership focuses on helping visionary leaders map out their strategy and take the bold steps necessary to grow their business. If you are one of those leaders, I would welcome a conversation with you to hear your story. Call me at 612–845–2076.
Key Takeaways:
[:30] Todd has some fun facts and statistics about company acquisitions.
[2:10] What do you do when you want to reach more quality prospects without breaking the bank?
[4:40] When does it make sense to hire a part-time or contracting executive?
[8:50] Small to midsize companies are looking to diversify and Mark’s firm can help you find new opportunities in your market.
[11:40] After finding key growth opportunities, Mark looks into how to actually execute an effective plan for the company.
[16:00] CEO’s have a hard time understanding the true value of what they’re getting in their marketing.
[18:25] What happens to the company’s existing marketing team when Mark and his team take over?
[20:45] What kind of mistakes does Mark seen over and over again?
[23:35] Marketing is complex and it only gets more so as the days go by.
[24:25] Can startups afford a company like Mark’s?
[26:20] Mark has published four free ebooks on the subject of marketing and growth that you can download on the Chief Outsiders website!
Mentioned in This Episode:
Email Todd: Todd@Dynastylc.com
Email Mark: MCoronna@ChiefOutsiders.com
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