If you have reached a fork in the road as as executive, it may be time for a change. Navigate forward is the group to call when exploring your career options and want help zeroing in on your discovery and search.
On this episode of Dynasty Leadership Podcast, Anne Sample, of Navigate Forward joins the show to discuss the steps taken by executives to transition from job to job.
In this podcast, Anne discusses how she helps her customers through their job transitions by:
- Discovery
- Building your narrative
- Creating a market strategy
- Execution
- Ongoing coaching and support
- Onboard in your new role
Key Takeaways:
[2:05] What does Navigate Forward do?
[3:30] What does the average client look like for Anne?
[4:05] Why do executives seek out Anne’s services?
[7:15] Anne walks through the onboarding process when taking on a new client.
[11:30] It really does take time and conscious thinking to discover your next career steps. This discovery process can’t be rushed.
[13:40] Anne believes resumes are outdated. People simply don’t make hiring decisions on them anymore.
[16:45] The next step is to network with your Rolodex to find those dream opportunities.
[18:15] Anne shares some of the worst networking meetings she’s ever taken and offers tips on how to network effectively.
[19:55] It can take executives to land their dream job between three weeks to 18 months. It does take time and a bit of patience to get prepared.
[23:40] Navigate Forward is still with you even after you’ve got the job. Anne and her team will help you with onboarding and transitioning!
[26:35] What makes Navigate Forward different?
[29:10] Anne shares some common mistakes executives tend to make when finding their dream job.
[31:20] Building and maintaining your network is a critical process for any executive.Mentioned in This Episode:
Email Todd: [email protected]
The 20-Minute Networking Meeting — Executive Edition: Learn to Network. Get a Job
Dynasty Leadership focuses on helping visionary leaders map out their strategy and take the bold steps necessary to grow their business. If you are one of those leaders, I would welcome a conversation with you to hear your story. Call me at 612-845-2096